Doom Alef

Game Development

Doom Alef is one of my personal projects that presents a prototype game with a Retro-style first-person shooter genre, reminiscent of the Doom-style gameplay. The game development is built upon the First Person template of Unreal Engine 5, and its coding is done via the UE’s blueprint system. Throughout the first/prototype level, the first-person character tries to find keys to locked doors, enabling it to advance in the game. Along the way, the player encounters various enemies with distinct abilities that must be eliminated.

Game objectives:

In this game, the player’s objective is to search for three distinct keys of varying colors: red, orange, and blue. These keys serve as pivotal tools in unlocking doors within the game environment. The ultimate goal is to locate the final key (the blue key), which grants access to the last door and signifies the player’s victory. Each key corresponds to a different room, and obtaining them allows the player to advance through the game. Note that some keys may be found within locked rooms, necessitating the discovery of a separate room key to proceed and acquire the desired key.


Enemy characters and game AI

The enemy characters are created based on an 8-directional sprite system. They rotate toward the player character if they can either see him or hear him shooting. If the enemy cannot see or hear the player, it moves randomly within the environment. The first enemy type engages in melee attacks, charging toward the player to deliver hits. The second enemy type possesses both melee and ranged attacks, using projectiles to shoot at the player when its far from the player while hitting the player when it is close.

Palm trees

Here are the utilized behavior trees of the enemy characters with melee attack and hybrid attack, respectively.

Weapon System:

In the code, master weapon blueprint provides essential info about a weapon’s damage, ammo type, etc, and the child weapons are derived from it. UE5’s first-person character template has default controls. But in this project, custom shooting controls (i.e. IA_Fire) are added. Here is the different parts of the weapon system:

Demo of the game

You can watch a demo of the game on my YouTube channel, by clicking here!

To Play the game on Windows

In case you would like to play the game, I would be more than happy to give you access to the prototype level of the game! So, go ahead and download the following folder with its items from my Google Drive, and then open retrofpsgame.exe. This will take you to the game’s main menu.

The Project Files on GitHub

The project files to the prototype level is public on my GitHub! Go ahead an download it from this link here

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